As both a chapter of the Camarilla, and as a group of friends who hang out often, some of our fondest memories of game are made afterward at 'Jeffies' (aka Dillingers) and inbetween games. This is a little tiny chunk of the internet to preserve some of those memories. Warning: these may or may not be as funny to non SDS members, as most of them are part of some kind of inside joke.
Reasons Why The Sabbat Are Evil...
This is by no means a slam on the Sabbat venue. It is RobandBrighton's favorite SDS venue... However, it is unavoidably more gorey and combat oriented than even Garou at times. As a new player recently stated after a Sabbat game, "It was like Diablo II LARP."
Here are a few sarcastic examples that demonstrate our fondness of Sabbat.
- The Sabbat steal pinwheels from little girls like melodrama villains, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat would slash your tires, just because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat might use your kitchen to bake cookies, make a mess, and purposely not clean it up because they're evil like that.
- If the Sabbat came to your business and you gave them extra change, they would keep it because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat will call you collect without dailing 1-800-CALLATT, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat would invite you out to dinner, then just as the check arrives announce that all their credit cards are maxed and could you pick up the check?, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat go to laundrymats and throw red socks into all the washing machines with white clothes in them, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat would run magnets over all your computers, disks, and credit cards, just because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat are so evil that sometimes they run red lights and stop signs.
- The Sabbat will put Nair in your shampoo, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat would drink the last soda in your fridge without asking, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat would mow your lawn for free... um, wait... no they wouldn't, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat would paint your car with a brush, because they're evil like that.
- The Sabbat litter. Enough said.
Have anything witty to add? Email Brighton and let her know!