Chapter Status Report
Straw Dog Society
December 2001
Chapter Code: AK-011
Chapter E-mail contact: lord_ralph@hotmail.com
Chapter Mailing Address:
PO Box 25084
Ester, AK 99725
AK-011 (AKD02)
Straw Dog Society
# of Members: 15
CC: Rob Michaud 2000-10-016
CC E-Mail: lord_ralph@hotmail.com
CC: Ordeals passed: Chapters, Tome Pending (Start Date: 12-01-01)
CST: Brighton Wood
CST E-Mail: strawdog_cst@hotmail.com
CST: Ordeals passed: Tome, Creation (Start Date: 11-30-01)
CC: Rob Michaud
Membership #: 2000-10-016
Date Office Gained: 12-01-01
Ordeals Passed: Chapters, Tome Pending
ACC: None
Membership #:
Date Office Gained:
Ordeals Passed:
CST: Brighton Wood
Membership #: 2000-10-015
Date Office Gained: 11-30-01
Ordeals Passed: Tome, Chapters
ACST: Jason Sanders
Membership #: Pending
Date Office Gained: 12-12-01
Ordeals Passed: None
Chapter web page: http://strawdogsociety.tripod.com
Created by: Tyler Brooks, Brighton Wood, Rob Michaud
Maintained by: Brighton Wood
Chapter list: strawdogsociety@egroups.com
List Mod: Tyler A. Brooks, Brighton Wood
Chapter Newsletter: None currently
Edited by: n/a
Last date of publication: n/a
# of Members: 15
# of New Members: 0
# of Transferred Members: 0
# of Pending Members: 4
Last Chapter Meeting : November 10, 2001
Next Chapter Meeting : TBA
New Ordeal Graduates:
James Sammons - Chapters
Eric Anderson - Chapters
New Members:
Current Projects:
Blood Drive - Still In Development- projected occurrence is sometime in
Film Festival - 12-7-01
Once again, the Straw Dog Society has taken the Fairbanks Film Festival by
storm. Cameron Harrison's "Kiss Me, Beautiful..." starring the Straw Dog's
Jason Sanders and Tyler Brooks won "Best Picture," "Audience Choice Award,"
and Jason won "Best Actor." We're already making plans for the Spring Film
Regional Food Drive
The Regional Food Drive is still going on. Many of our members have already
donated, and it's not too late for those who want to, but have yet to
provide food for the hungry. The Domain Food Drive Coordinator for AKD02 is
our very own James Sammons. Get in touch with him for more information at
Hey guys, I'm looking for a new able bodied Assistant Chapter Coordinator,
preferably someone who can spell (considering my spelling capabilities are
that of an undead vampire piggy). All you have to do is submit an
application to me at lord_ralph@hotmail.com. Remember to include something
along the lines of "Why I would make a good ACC."
Problems, Suggestions, Questions:
Since this is the holiday season, many of our storytelling and coordinating
staff are out and about (away from e-mail). If your prestige amounts are
off, don't worry. Everything that does not show up in this month's report
will show up in January's report. Remember, if you've done something and
haven't told anyone, e-mail me at lord_ralph@ hotmail.com and/or go to our
online prestige submission form on our member area section at
http://strawdogsociety.tripod.com (both is better, because then I'm sure to
get it in the report).
Membership and Prestige listing:
Name: Eric Anderson
Address: Ft. Wainwright, AK
Phone: (907) 356-2884
Email: eric_naiche_anderson@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2001-07-013
Expiration: July 13, 2002
Member Class: 3
Offices Held: None
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 197 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 197 + 155 = 352
New Cumulative: 352 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
? - Donating food to the Regional Drive
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
5 - Narrating for Sabbat
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
150 - Passed Chapters Ordeal
Name: Sudiptya Banerjee
Address: 4018 Dunlap Ave / Fairbanks, AK 99709
Phone: (216) 421-1760
Email: sudiptya@cheerful.com
Membership #: 9910-012
Expiration: October 31, 2002
Member Class: 3
Offices Held: ADST Influences
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 430 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 430 + 30 = 460
New Cumulative: 460 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
30 - ADST Influences
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Ian Billington
Address: PO Box 25084 / Ester, AK 99725
Phone: 479-2979
Email: fsimb@uaf.edu
Membership #: 9805-101
Expiration: May 30, 2002
Member Class: 6
Offices Held: ADST Garou
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 1988 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 1988 + 35 + ? = 2023 + ?
New Cumulative: 2023 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
20 - Assistant Domain Storyteller
Community Service (50 max):
? - Donating Food to the Regional Drive
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
10 - Domain Webpage Work
Storytelling Support (15 max):
5 - Narrating for Sabbat
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Kris Botkin
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Email: summit_x20@hotmail.com
Membership #: pending
Expiration: pending
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 5 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 5 + 0 = 5
New Cumulative: 5 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Tyler Brooks
Address: PO Box 750591 / Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: 457-3730
Email: hobo@cryogen.com
Membership #: 2000-04-208
Expiration: April 30, 2002
Member Class: 5 (6 loaned)
Offices Held: Domain Storyteller, Assistant GSA Silver Fang
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? YES
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 1066+ ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 1066 + ?= 1066 + ?
New Cumulative: 1066 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
? - Domain Storyteller
? - AGSA Silver Fang
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Lynn Burkett
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: (907) 455-3318
Email: thepopess@hushmail.com
Membership #: 2001-01-140
Expiration: January 14, 2002
Member Class: 2
Offices Held: ADST Mage
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 205 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 205 + 10 = 215
New Cumulative: 215 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
10 - ADST Mage
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Dennis Digan
Address: 216 Iditarod Ave. / Fairbanks, AK 99701
Phone: 452-3322
Membership #: 2000-08-107
Expiration: August 31, 2001
Member Class: 3
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 304 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 304 + 0 = 304
New Cumulative: 304 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Dustin Gridley
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Email: n/a
Membership #: pending
Expiration: pending
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 20 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 20 + 0 = 20
New Cumulative: 20 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Robert Michaud
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: (907) 455-3280
Email: lord_ralph@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2000-10-016
Expiration: October 31, 2002
Member Class: 4
Offices Held: Chapter Coordinator, Assistant Chapter Storyteller
Passed Tome? Pending
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 875 Open, ? Regional, ? National
National: ? + 0 = ?
Regional: ? + 0 = ?
General 875 + 40 = 915
New Cumulative 915 Open, ? Regional, ? National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
5 - Assistant Chapter Storyteller
35 - Chapter Coordinator
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Charlie "Chaz" Pierce
Address: #4 Dead End Alley / Fairbanks, AK 99709
Phone: (907) 455-3081
Email: dahlicharlie@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2000-06-014
Expiration: June 30, 2002
Member Class: 4
Offices Held: ADST Kindred
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 605 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 605 + 20 = 625
New Cumulative: 625 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
20 - ADST Kindred
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: James Sammons
Address: 1215 Bunnell St. #21 / Fairbanks, AK 99701
Phone: (907) 455-4169
Email: keenandemonet@yahoo.com
Membership #: 2000-06-024
Expiration: June 30, 2001
Member Class: 4 (6 Loaned)
Offices Held: Domain Coordinator
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? Pending
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 650 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 650 + 150 + ? = 800 + ?
New Cumulative: 800 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
? - Domain Coordinator
Community Service (50 max):
? - Regional Food Drive Coordinator for Fairbanks
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
150 - Passing Chapters Ordeal
Name: Jason Sanders
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Email: js_big_moose@hotmail.com
Membership #: pending
Expiration: pending
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: Assistant Chapter Storyteller
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 15 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 15 + 10 + ? = 25 + ?
New Cumulative: 25 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
10 - ACST
Community Service (50 max):
? - Donating food to Regional Drive
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Buddy Seay
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Email: fshmatt@uaf.edu
Membership #: pending
Expiration: pending
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 40 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 40 + 0 = 40
New Cumulative: 40 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Brighton Wood
Address: UAF Campus, Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: 907-455-3280
Email: zwie@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2000-10-015
Expiration: October 31, 2002
Member Class: 4
Offices Held: Chapter Storyteller
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? YES
Past Cumulative: 665 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 665 + 45 = 710
New Cumulative: 710 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
35 - Chapter Storyteller
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
5 - Chapter Web Page Design
Storytelling Support (15 max):
5 - Narrating at Garou
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Other :
Name: James Zarones
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: (907) 455-3318
Email: zarones@hotmail.com
Membership #: Pending
Expiration: Pending
Member Class: 2
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 165 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 165 + 5 = 170
New Cumulative: 170 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
5 - Narrating for Sabbat
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):