Chapter Status Report
Straw Dog Society
February 2002
Chapter Code: AK-011
Chapter E-mail contact: lord_ralph@hotmail.com
Chapter Mailing Address:
PO Box 25084
Ester, AK 99725
AK-011 (AKD02)
Straw Dog Society
# of Members: 15
CC: Rob Michaud 2000-10-016
CC E-Mail: lord_ralph@hotmail.com
CC: Ordeals passed: Chapters, Tome (Start Date: 12-01-01)
CST: Brighton Wood
CST E-Mail: strawdog_cst@hotmail.com
CST: Ordeals passed: Tome, Creation, Chapters (Start Date: 11-30-01)
CC: Rob Michaud
Membership #: 2000-10-016
WW# US2002021801
Date Office Gained: 12-01-01
Ordeals Passed: Chapters, Tome
ACC: Eric Anderson
Membership #: 2001-07-016
Date Office Gained: 1-20-02
Ordeals Passed: Tome, Chapters, Creation
CST: Brighton Wood
Membership #: 2000-10-015
WW# US2002023130
Date Office Gained: 11-30-01
Ordeals Passed: Tome, Creation, Chapters
ACST: Jason Sanders
Membership #: 2001-09-157
WW# US2002022328
Date Office Gained: 12-12-01
Ordeals Passed: None
Chapter web page: http://strawdogsociety.tripod.com
Created by: Tyler Brooks, Brighton Wood, Rob Michaud
Maintained by: Brighton Wood and Rob Michaud
Chapter list: strawdogsociety@egroups.com
List Mod: Tyler A. Brooks, Brighton Wood
Chapter Newsletter: None currently
Edited by: n/a
Last date of publication: n/a
# of Members: 15
# of New Members: 0
# of Transferred Members: 0
# of Pending Members: 2
Last Chapter Meeting : February 9, 2002
Next Chapter Meeting : March 2, 2002
New Ordeal Graduates:
New Members:
Current Projects:
QotD Gathering - 2-22-02
Queen of the Damned came out up here on the 22nd, so we mustered our forces and came in mass. We held a good third of the theater with our dark presence. Although it was a chaotic time, we managed to get everyone a ride that needed one, and many helped out with organizing who went where. It was a grand old time.
Huge Domain Meeting - 2-23-02
As I imagine many Domains have done, we held a big old domain meeting to address the current White-Wolf BOD situation. Although no conclusion was met, several options were proposed. In several weeks time (to be deemed by the Domain Coordinator, James Sammons) a permanent decion will be made.
Regional Food and Clothing Drive
The clothing drive has closed, and those who donated have recieved prestige. Those who have donated food, hold on for a bit longer. I assure you, however, that you will recieve your propper prestige.
Problems, Suggestions, Questions:
If you've done something good for the community and haven't told anyone, e-mail me at lord_ralph@ hotmail.com and/or go to our online prestige submission form on our member area section at http://strawdogsociety.tripod.com (both is better, because then I'm sure to get it in the report).
Also, I've been noticing a lot of tension in both our Chapter and the Domain lately. I think it is especially important durring these times to always remember the 24 hour rule. We may all have differeing oppinions, but it's important to remember that we are a chapter of friends. Lets not let something as trivial as game get inbetween us.
Membership and Prestige listing:
Name: Eric Anderson
Address: Ft. Wainwright, AK
Phone: (907) 356-2884
Email: eric_naiche_anderson@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2001-07-016
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 3
Offices Held: Assistant Chapter Coordinator
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? YES
Past Cumulative: 400 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 400 + 60 = 460
New Cumulative: 460 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
5 - Assistant Chapter Coordinator
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
50 - Passed Creation Ordeal
Name: Sudiptya Banerjee
Address: 4018 Dunlap Ave / Fairbanks, AK 99709
Phone: (216) 421-1760
Email: ravnos@po.cwru.edu
Membership #: 9910-012
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 3
Offices Held: ADST Influences, AGSA Ravnos Web Presence
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 510 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 510 + 35 = 545
New Cumulative: 545 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
35 - ADST Influences
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Ian Billington
Address: PO Box 25084 / Ester, AK 99725
Phone: 479-2979
Email: fsimb@uaf.edu
Membership #: 9805-101
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 7
Offices Held: ADST Garou
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 2123 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 2123 + 101 = 2219
New Cumulative: 2219 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
30 - Assistant Domain Storyteller
Community Service (50 max):
56 - Donating Clothing for the Regional Drive
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
5 - Domain Webpage Work
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending a Chapter Meeting
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Kris Botkin
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Email: summit_x20@hotmail.com
Membership #: pending
Expiration: pending
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 5 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 5 + 10 = 15
New Cumulative: 15 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Providing Transportation for QotD Event
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Tyler Brooks
Address: PO Box 750591 / Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: 457-3730
Email: hobo@cryogen.com
Membership #: 2000-04-208
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 5 (6 loaned)
Offices Held: Domain Storyteller
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? YES
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 1146+ ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 1161 + 10 +? = 1171 + ?
New Cumulative: 1171 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
? - Domain Storyteller
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
5 - Providing Transportation for QotD Event
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Lynn Burkett
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: (907) 455-3280
Email: thepopess@hushmail.com
Membership #: 2001-01-140
WW# US2002022352
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 3
Offices Held: ADST Mage
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 245 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 245 + 60 = 305
New Cumulative: 305 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
40 - ADST Mage
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
10 - Decorating game site
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending a Chapter Meeting
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Dennis Digan
Address: 216 Iditarod Ave. / Fairbanks, AK 99701
Phone: 452-3322
Membership #: 2000-08-107
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 3
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 304 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 304 + 5 = 309
New Cumulative: 309 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending Chapter Meeting
Name: Dustin Gridley
Address: 1637 Madison / Fairbanks, AK 99709
Email: fsdtg@uaf.edu
Membership #: US2002034183
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 20 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 20 + 15 = 35
New Cumulative: 35 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending chapter meeting
5 - Bringing oodles of food to the QotD event
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Robert Michaud
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: (907) 455-3318
Email: lord_ralph@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2000-10-016
WW# US2002021801
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 5
Offices Held: Chapter Coordinator
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 1122 Open, 0 Regional, 52 National
National: 52 + 20 = 72
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General 1122 + 5 + ? = 1127 + ?
New Cumulative 1127 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 72 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
? - Chapter Coordinator
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Charlie "Chaz" Pierce
Address: #4 Dead End Alley / Fairbanks, AK 99709
Phone: (907) 455-3081
Email: dahlicharlie@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2000-06-014
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 4
Offices Held: ADST Kindred
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 845 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 845 + 15 = 860
New Cumulative: 860 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
10 - ADST Kindred
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: James Sammons
Address: 1215 Bunnell St. #21 / Fairbanks, AK 99701
Phone: (907) 455-4169
Email: keenandemonet@yahoo.com
Membership #: 2000-06-024
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 4 (6 Loaned)
Offices Held: Domain Coordinator
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 895 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 895 + 27 + ? = 922 + ?
New Cumulative: 922 + ? Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
? - Domain Coordinator
Community Service (50 max):
27 - Donating Clothes
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
Name: Jason Sanders
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Email: js_big_moose@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2001-09-157
WW# US2002022328
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: Assistant Chapter Storyteller
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 50 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 8 = 8
General: 50 + 48 = 98
New Cumulative: 98 Open, 8 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
5 - ACST
Community Service (50 max):
32 open 8 Regional - Donating Clothing to the Regional Drive
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending Chapter Meeting
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Buddy Seay
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Email: fshmatt@uaf.edu
Membership #: pending
Expiration: pending
Member Class: 1
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 40 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 40 + 5 = 45
New Cumulative: 45 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Name: Brighton Wood
Address: UAF Campus, Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: 907-455-3318
Email: zwie@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2000-10-015
WW# US2002023130
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 5
Offices Held: Chapter Storyteller
Passed Tome? YES
Passed Chapters? YES
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? YES
Past Cumulative: 985 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 985 + 76 = 1061
New Cumulative: 1061 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
40 - Chapter Storyteller
Community Service (50 max):
21 - Donating Clothes
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
5 - Chapter Web Page Design
Storytelling Support (15 max):
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending Chapter Meeting
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting
Other :
Name: James Zarones
Address: Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: (907) 455-3280
Email: zarones@hotmail.com
Membership #: 2001-07-022
Expiration: January 1, 2004
Member Class: 2
Offices Held: none
Passed Tome? no
Passed Chapters? no
Passed Thespis? no
Passed Stage? no
Past Cumulative: 205 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
National: 0 + 0 = 0
Regional: 0 + 0 = 0
General: 205 + 63 = 268
New Cumulative: 268 Open, 0 Regional, 0 National
Justification by Category:
Administration (50 max):
Community Service (50 max):
43 - Donating Clothes to Regional Drive
Publications (50 max):
Art/Public Relations (40 max):
Storytelling Support (15 max):
10 - Narrating for Sabbat
Convention Service (25 max):
Organizational Service (30 max):
5 - Attending Chapter Meeting
5 - Attending the Domain Meeting