10.30.01 - BRIGHTON: Updated and switched around the Member Bio page! Goody goody!
10.24.01 - ROB:Did some finishing touches on the Werewolf 5.1 sheet with the help of Mr. Billington.
10.17.01 - ROB:Created a page just for character sheets and how to fold them up and stuff. It's at the Sheet Page. I also made a nifty little fold gif. to show people how to fold it right.
10.16.01 - ROB:Uplaoded the new Werewolf 5.1 sheet to the "Member Area" page. Ian really wanted me to update it, so I did.
10.14.01 - ROB:Uploaded the Wraith sheet to the "Member Area" page. I am still trying to convert the Camarilla sheet, but I'm having some problems.
10.12.01 - ROB:Thanks to Mr. Billington, I've been able to convert my character sheets into pdf format and placed both the Werewolf and Sabbat sheets onto the "Member Area" page.
10.09.01 - BRIGHTON: My computer still won't let me into Tripod, so I don't know exactly what I've done this month. Updated the Sabbat Char. Image map. Created a few character pages... Massively updated the text only character list to now include a token non-SDS char. section to give a more complete picture of the player base.